This is where I blog about everything forwards and backwards relating to my experiences in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. Unexpectedly, I have found myself not believing in the church anymore.

Friday, May 16, 2014

FHE with young kids #18 -- Honesty and lies, getting all tied up

Honesty is always a good lesson for toddlers and preschoolers. We've found that our 4 year old has lied to us a few times recently. We're not sure he understands why that's bad, despite our best efforts. Usually it's just simple stuff, like telling us he pooped in the toilet when he really didn't.

We played a game where I had a cup of water and some food. I had mom ask me if I finished my water. I said I did. Our kids realized there was still water in my cup, and I told them that I lied. Mom started wrapping twine around my hands and tying me up. Then mom asked if I finished my food, and I said yes. The kids saw the banana wasn't finished, and I admitted I lied. She tied me up more. Mom asked me if I pooped, and I said I did. The kids ran to the bathroom and saw the toilet was empty, and I admitted I lied.

I explained that lying hurts people and it makes people not trust you. We lose our power and it's like being tied up. The way to get untied is to start telling the truth.

Then mom asked me a bunch of questions and I told the truth to all of them, and I got untied.

Our oldest thought it looked pretty fun to get tied up and tell lies. Uh oh!

I told him it's not fun and it really hurt. He didn't believe me, so I tied him up really really tight and made sure it hurt.

That convinced him!

Got this idea from here:

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