This is where I blog about everything forwards and backwards relating to my experiences in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. Unexpectedly, I have found myself not believing in the church anymore.

Monday, January 20, 2014

FHE with young kids #11 -- CTR Chutes and Ladders

Our 3 year old son loves the Chutes and Ladders game he got for Christmas. I found a CTR chutes and ladders game at this blog.

To start the lesson, I drew the letters CTR on the iPad. My son surprised me by already knowing it meant "Choose The Right". Then, I let him write CTR on the board.

The top left was scribble by our 2 year old, top right is a "C", bottom left is "T", bottom right is "R".
Then we talked about what it means to choose the right, and I showed them various pictures I prepared from Google and discussed if it was a right or wrong choice

  • Boys sharing toys (right choice)
  • A boy screaming (wrong choice)
  • A boy playing in the pool by himself (wrong choice)
  • A boy smiling (right choice)
  • Boys fighting (wrong choice)
  • Boy cleaning up (right choice)
Then we played the CTR chutes and ladders game, which was a hit. They really had a good time and will probably play it again for fun. Their favorite parts were when Mommy or Daddy or Grandma landed on a "wrong choice" spot. Our 2 year old loved that. 

The fact that he was excited about us making a wrong choice meant he understands what it means!

Monday, January 6, 2014

FHE with young kids #10 -- Service Superhero Kids

Grandma made the boys superhero capes for Christmas. They like to run around like crazy people with their capes on.

We started by talking about superheroes, looking at pictures of superman, spiderman, etc. Then I asked them what supeheroes do. Besides flying and getting bad guys, we talked about how they help people.

Then we read this story from the friend about a boy who likes to wear capes and pretend he is a superhero, who also helps his mom around the house.

We talked about how the kids can help out around the house, and got them excited about the idea of putting on their capes when it's time to clean up toys so they can be superheroes.

It went well!